Sunday 11 December 2011

Christmas parties and

So I didn't get that job, but whatever, I'm not sure I wanted it anyway... The most interviews the better so hopefully they'll start adding up.

This week has been slower. Monday I went to bookclub - it was great! We read The Slap and Trainspotting and had really great conversations. I'm hoping to make soem serious friends out of this. As opposed to all the ridiculous friends I left behind ;)

Tuesday was interview madness. I looked awesome, had to take a personality test (hate them) and write a mini-essay for a low-paying job that's really far away. So I'm kind of glad I didn't get it.

Job postings are starting to slow down for Christmas but I'm still hopeful of getting a couple more in. There are some good ones that only just closed so fingers crossed I get more interviews.

Last night was the bookclub Christmas party. It was lovely to meet lots of new people, and I may have made a couple friends, partly thanks to the red wine and brandy alexander (not together). There was a book swap where you could either pick a new present or steal someone else's. It was fun - I was second to last so I got my pick - American Gods by Neil Gaiman and The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by someone I could look up but won't. All in all a successful evening other than taking the subway in the wrong direction to try to get home :)

So tomorrow I will apply for two more jobs and hope that someone somewhere wants me... Until then I'm going to hibernate with my new books :)

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