Wednesday 21 December 2011

Taking a break from not working...

Ouch, ten days. That's the worst one yet. I've been aiming for weekly update but instead seem to be hitting nine or ten days between posts. I shall endeavour to improve - it can be my New Year's resolution.

So since that Christmas party I have applied for two more jobs and have another application underway. Things are definitely slowing down for the holidays so I've read a lot of books (highly recommended: Book of Negroes; The Purity Myth; The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie) and watching some TV (mostly Treme so I have really good music in my head all the time).

My dad arrived in Canada last week and spent four days in Toronto. We made it to the Royal Ontario Museum on Monday for a pretty epic Maya exhibit and to see the dinosaurs. It was great - I've been wanting to go for a while but dragging a parent along meant I got company (and he paid ;)). [Editorial query: what's the end bracket requirement post emoticon?]

So this week's been a bit lazy and doesn't look like that will be changing any time soon. Saturday I head to my dad's family for Christmas then on to Ottawa where I'll catch up with my one close friend in Canada. I've been invited to a gift swap there despite the event specifying "boys" in the title so I'm busting down gender barriers as I go. Of course there are two other girls on the invite list, but hey, Emily Pankhurst didn't work alone!

Now I'm headed out for some music on a Wednesday night. It's almost like I'm a grown up who lives here and has a life.

So how about Wednesday's as official "update day"? I'll try and stick to it and you-all can poke me with a stick if I miss my deadline.

1 comment:

  1. I think you were right. You need the second bracket because otherwise it would be unclear whether the bracket was closed or just kept going.
