Friday 6 January 2012

Back to routine?

As my dear sister Peggy pointed out it is not Wednesday... but by my calculations Monday and Tuesday were public holidays so today is the third work day of this week and is therefore a lot like Wednesday.

I am finally back in Toronto for the foreseeable future - and also hopefully back to routine. I've found a couple jobs to apply for and have decided to expand out and apply for office admin roles. Sure, it's not my dream job but I'd rather do that than work at Shoppers Drug Mart until my dream job comes up. The worrying thing is that in just two weeks it appears my brain has turned to jelly (or cake maybe, I ate a lot of cake) and I can't figure out how to write this application. It's new to me because it's about organisation and multi-tasking (which I'm awesome at) not about communication and multi-tasking (which I'm also pretty damn good at) so new cover letter etc. Fun times. Focus, right? I'm sure I can do this...

Along the way to turning my brain into cheesecake I spent Christmas with Dad's family, between Christmas and New Year in Ottawa, New Year's Eve in Toronto with my cousin Jen, New Year's Day until yesterday in Hamilton with Mum's family... it's been a busy two weeks. Ooh, and I got my hair-cut. That's pretty much the big news of my week :) It's been great to see everyone. The main reason I wanted to come to Toronto (as opposed to another city) was to get to know everyone, especially the kids. So when the chance came up to babysit my cousin's girls (aged two and three) I signed up without hesitation. The three-year old has the most amazing imagination - we spent the whole afternoon rescuing baby animals from corners of the family room to reunite them with their mommies.

Closer to home Faith's has become the refuge for her friend's daughters - Joanna moved in this week so we'll be flatmates until she finds an appropriate place to live. Should be fun to see her more often and maybe get to know some of her other friends.

There are lots of events on here - next week I'm going to drinks with the local Kea (Kiwi Expats Abroad) group, the week after is sledding, then a scavenger hunt, then another pub night... So lots of chances to meet people. Add to that my monthly book club and I am anything but bored! I also might get to apartment-sit for my cousins while they're in Cuba.

I've gone a little overboard reserving stuff from the library and I still have quite a few books to read from my last trip. I read all the "Best Books of 2011" lists and ended up with more than 40 reservations. One of the lists focused on Canadian writers and I thought that would be a great way to increase my knowledge about this country, but my job hunting could seriously suffer as I try to make sure I read everything that crosses my desk.

Okay... back to the grind. I have got to apply for this job. Plus, the pay is better than most of the comms jobs I've been looking at ;)

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