Wednesday 25 January 2012

Can haz hospital care...

Punch me in the face! Go on, I'm sure I've deserved it at some point... As of Monday I can get injured/sick with impunity because I am covered by the local health system. Slightly short-sighted me didn't extend my travel insurance to cover all of the three months it takes to qualify. The theory here is that it's done by province so if you move from Quebec to Ontario, Quebec covers you for the first three months, then Ontario takes over. Unfortunately I didn't have another province to look after me and I've had my fingers crossed for three months that I didn't spontaneously get acute appendicitis. (First stop: emergency room to have my fingers straightened.)

Job listings have slowed down so only a couple applications this week. I have branched out and am essentially applying for anything that sounds like something I would enjoy and be good at. And pays okay ;) I'm hoping for something in downtown Toronto so I can live nearby and walk/subway but I might end up out of town in which case I'll join the cool kids who commute every morning. I'm aiming to not need to own a car because a) insurance here is a bitch, b) driving here seems unnecessarily arduous with lots of traffic, lots of "no turning" signs and lots of trolley cars in the way and c) any expense avoided is an extra dollar towards Ethiopia. Or Peru. Wherever I end up next.

I've read a few more books since we last had a catch up including The Devil All The Time by Donald Ray Pollock which I recommend if you like your books with an edge of weirdness. It's a disturbing and creepy coming of age story set in the 1950s and 60s of Ohio. Included: animal sacrifice, serial killers, preachers eating bugs and an oddly endearing, and often violent, main character named Arvin. I am slowly working my way through my pile, but also have more books to pick up from the library tomorrow so it seems to be getting worse, rather than better!

It is less than a month until I see Mum and Peggy - another exciting thing to count down to.We're having Christmas here then, I think that's a record for us. We're pretty flexible about Christmas because we're so often in different countries/time zones but I think two months late is the most we've pushed it out.

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