Wednesday 1 February 2012

Free the children

So yet another job has come up that I really want and think I would be perfect for - marketing and comms for Canada based youth-oriented charity Free the Children. It does good work, does not have a religious agenda and is, apparently, one of the "top employers of young people" in Canada. So everyone cross your fingers and toes and maybe this time, finally, I'll get a call.

It's been one of those slightly disillusioning weeks. There aren't as many things listed, I feel like I'm just shooting applications into space and no one's picking them up, and I'm kind of bored. I keep thinking I should pick up some volunteer work here, but then I worry that I'll get a job with weird hours and have to ditch it, but maybe two weeks of volunteering is better than no weeks of volunteering? I spent Wednesday watching Freaks and Geeks, reading Jonathan Franzen and stalking childhood friends on Facebook. Strangely, none of these things made me feel better.

I did have a really excellent weekend hanging out with people. Thursday night (I know, not quite the weekend, but it's not like I have weekly activities anyway) I watched Apollo 13 with some book club friends. Having never seen the film it was quite nail-bitey, except I knew it was based on a book by Tom Hanks (aka Jim Lovell) so I knew he lived, at least. Friday night was dinner and drinks with friends, then more drinks, which culminated in us, back at the house dancing to the Boat that Rocked soundtrack. Then I drunk-texted and -Facebooked, always a good idea, some of the people at home that I missed.

Tuesday I went to a really fantastic seminar about women in the media and the fact that just 20% of opinion pieces are by women and only 25% of what they called "newsmakers" - essentially the people being interviews - are women. The reasons were partly underrepresentation politically and in the business world, but also because women are more likely to say no due to thinking they have no time, or not thinking they are the right person to comment. It was very inspirational and now I'm going to come up with some strong opinions so I can express them frequently, at loud volumes.

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