Friday 25 May 2012

Boom Swagger Swagger Boom

What do you know, a Friday update written on a Friday. Novel.

In the news this week: six flatmates in Utah torture a seventh flatmate in the basement and suddenly my aunt’s concerns about moving in with a psychopath seem more reasonable. So far no signs of psychopathy from The Irish but all that means is that I might never move out for fear of accidentally moving into a horror movie.

So, there’s this other story that you probably don’t want to know about but I can’t unknow it. So here’s what I’ll do for you: a Blind Link. It’s like a test, what wins for you? Fear or curiosity?

Tonight is Slutwalk in Toronto so I’m headed to that shortly. This is where it started, so it will be interesting to see how many people show up and what the general atmosphere is. My friends have already been to the NZ ones so I’m playing catch up. I’m not dressing up, just going straight from work. I dressed up for the NZ ones, and I think it’s a great way for the events to attract attention and try to get the message heard (Although it can do the opposite – “No, it’s not that we want to be able to dress slutty, it’s that you have to stop pointing to what we’re wearing as a reason for people to mistreat us!”). The Wellington event last year was very inclusive so hopefully the TO event will have the same feeling.

I spent last weekend in Ottawa, which was great fun. You might remember my Ode to the Train last blog. That affection was somewhat threatened when my return train was more than an hour late, but really, it’s not like planes and buses are famously punctual.

Busy weekend planned, including Ikea purchases and then assembling Ikea purchases. Livin’ the dream here ;)

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