Monday 12 March 2012

Moving on down(town)

Sorry it’s been so long! Not that I have any idea how often people are checking, but I feel bad for not updating on a regular basis. I thought working would add structure to my life so I’d be better but instead it added exhaustion and commuting to my life. Unexpected.

Work is picking up. It’s hard being the new kid – you know how I like being the know-it-all – but it’s pretty fun. I’ve picked up some stuff for the HR publication too, which has its pros and cons. Upside is I’m finding my own stories and always have something to keep me busy, downside is one more industry to familiarise myself with. So far I’ve covered changing legislation, the importance of pensions and the difficulties of hiring people with leadership skills. It comes a little easier since I’ve ever been part of an HR process, although on the other side of the desk. At core the issues are people-based, rather than money-based, so it’s a bit more intuitive for me.

The big news this week is that I found an apartment. I wasn’t planning to leave where I’m staying until next month so I was looking for places that were May 1 move in, but sometimes you have to jump when a chance comes up. This place is 15 minutes from work, 15 minutes from the Distillery District (cool drinkies area) and only a couple blocks from the TTC. The room is tiny, but that’s pretty inevitable when you’re looking downtown. It’ll hold a queen bed and hopefully a desk, and I’ve had fun googling storage/decorating solutions for small spaces. I see a trip to Ikea in my future…

Peggy has been away and gets back today, it will be sad when she really leaves for good because I won’t know when I’ll see her again. I spent so long looking forward to my family visiting that I’ll feel quite bereft when they’re all gone! Still, I have a couple friends planning trips in the next year or so and soon I’ll be so social I’ll have no time to be sad. Plus, my library pile is still daunting (must read three more books before Friday!) so any time spent with people is essentially lost reading time.

That said, I did spend Saturday night playing Werewolves with a group of people I met through a friend at book club. It’s essentially like mafia – some people are werewolves and everyone closes their eyes and they kill someone – but there are also players with special skills to help catch the werewolves. It’s fun, and it was interesting to play with a group of people who know each other well.

First payday this week – très exciting – but my list of stuff to buy (mostly wants rather than needs, to be honest) is probably three times my pay. I figure a thing a week will be fun. This week: shoes!

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